
Reason for KarmaSue:
KarmaSue’s mission is to provide education, counseling, and financial support to Coloradan families that have companion animals living with cancer in an effort to honor the human-animal connection. An action research project conducted in 2015 examined data surrounding the need for a nonprofit like KarmaSue that provides vital services for families that have pets with cancer. To recognize and honor the connection, data was collected using a qualitative approach and inductive theory approach. Research of pet insurance companies and a literature review exploring common animal organizations and the human-animal connection were referenced. Interviews and surveys of families impacted by companion animal cancer were utilized to validate the need for a community resource providing support to families and their animals with cancer. A solution to meet the needs of the families by way of an organization offering education, counseling, and financial support was realized. Legal, ethical, and logistical considerations were addressed and the ability KarmaSue has to support other animal-focused nonprofits was explored.

KarmaSue was established as a nonprofit organization on January 18, 2016.  The Founder and Executive Director spent the first year registering the nonprofit with the state and the IRS, developing a Board of Directors and a solid group of volunteers, and created Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, and a three-year strategic plan.  A passionate group of donors have made it possible to complete these tasks and continue to support the organization today.  Background work was done to enhance the chances of success.  KarmaSue is built on a solid foundation in which it will flourish now and in the future.

KarmaSue is led by a thoughtful and motivated team of Board members and volunteers.  A Fundraising Committee was established in January of 2017 to enhance visibility and fundraising opportunities for community members. Each person brings personal experiences and expertise that help to support families enduring companion-animal cancer completely.  KarmaSue is a GuideStar Gold participant and is adamant about being transparent and accountable to community members and donors.